Paste in a search query to get started (Solr example below):

Start working with Splainer by pasting in a Solr URL on the main page!

Tweak settings and query:

Get to work! Alter settings and tweak your search query

Solr URL

URL to your Solr request handler
For example, http://localhost:8983/solr/collection1/select

Displayed Fields

The equivelant of Solr's fl
Specify which parameters to show in the displayed results. Change the default id field by specifying id:alternate_id

Search Args

Search parameters used to query Solr
What you'd normally place in the URL to tweak search results

Explore Your Search Results

Understand search scoring at a glance!


Which field matches mattered most?
Click "detailed" to view a summary of the scoring explain information.


Highlighted matches in your content
This column highlights matches within your content (if highlighting available)

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